Record Stores and Cute Shops: West Village in the 1980s
Ron Giacone has been taking photos off and on since the 1970s. In the early 1980s while spending time at his then girlfriend (future wife) Joanne’s apartment on Barrow Street he documented many of the storefronts and street scenes. Ron says, ”… on Sunday mornings, she’d put a pot of coffee on while I went to buy, the ‘Times’, at ‘Sheridan Square News Stand’ and pastry at ‘Lafayette’.”
Sheridan Square News Stand, Seventh Avenue
Topeo Collectible Store, Christopher Street
The Front Porch, Corner of West 11th Street & West 4th (Now Tartine)
Rebel Rebel Record Store, Bleecker Street
7th Avenue & West 10th Street
Christopher Street, Above the shops, just off Bleecker Street
To see more of Ron’s work, check out his Instagram gallery: @nycdigital